Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Usana Income-Producing Business Plan is Revolutionizing how People create Wealth.

Usana Income-Producing Business Plan is Revolutionizing how People create Wealth.

The USANA Binary compesation plan is a binary system in which you build balanced left-side and right side  downline organization for the purpose of selling USANA's nutritional and personal care products. The weekly commissions you earn are based on the balanced Group Sales Volume (GSV) points accumulated in you left-side and right-side downline organizatic USANA Business Centers are designed to pay you weekly commissions on Sales Volume with no limit to the number of levels from which you can earn your commissions. In addition, a USANA Business Center allow you to be paid on the Sales Volume created by your downline Associates and Preferred Customers.
Another powerful advantage of USANA's program is that there are no monthly group volume requirements. The income you receive from USANA will be in direct proportion to your ability to retail USANA's products to your customers, as well as your ability to build an organization of Associates who, like you, retail to their customers and build an organization of Associates.

Starting a Business Center
Your sponsor places you in an open position in his or her sales organization (simon 1). This open position is called a Business Center (BC). Each Business Center has left and Right sides in which Sales  Volume accumulates. You activate and earn commissions on 1 or 3 Business Centers by following a few simple steps:

1. Complete an Associate Application form and purchase a Business Development System. If you fill out and sign an application manually you can have a 2-day temporary status by calling USANA distributor Services or enrolling online while you wait for USANA to receive the written copy.
2. Order USANA products that total 150 points, or 450 points with 3 Business Centers, in Personal Sales  Volume (PSV). These products may be for personal use and for retail sale, and may be ordered in single order or accumulated over time.
3.Order USANA product worth 100 or 200 Personal Sales Volume (PSV) points for 3 business centers for personal use and resale every four weeks.

Other link on USANA basic guide;

Other way for accummulate Group Sales Volume (GSV)

Preferred Customer
Another way to accumulate Group Sales Volume (GSV) is to add Preferred Customers to the left and right side of your Business Centers (Simon 5). Preferred Customers can order USANA products at Associate prices, but they do not accumulate Personal Sales Volume, nor are they paid commissions. Although you do not earn retail commissions from the orders of Preferred Customers, their orders earn points, which are added to your GSV total for the side in which they are placed (left or right). Those Associates who choose not to be Distributors, and thus do not retail products, fulfill their sales requirements through Preferred Customers.

Additional Income Potential

As you become increasingly successful selling USANA's nutritional and personal care products, you can qualify for Re-Entry Certificates, which allow you to increase your number of Business Centers and your income potential.
Whenever you maximize a Business Center (accumulate 5,000 points in GSV, current and carryover, in both your left and right sides in a single week), you can earn a Re-Entry Certificate (Simon 5). A Re-Entry Certificate allows you to re-enter in your own downline with an additional Business Center. To activate a Business Center with a Re-Entry Certificate, you send a written request to USANA with placement information and generate 150 points in PSV at the time you place the new Re-Entry. The product order corresponding to the PSV generated must be attached to the placement information. You can earn up to two Re-Entry Certificates per Business Center, and no matter how many Business Centers you activate, it only takes 200 points in PSV in your 001 Business Center within each four-week period to keep all of them active.
 Doubling Commissions with3 Business Centers
As illustrated in Simon 6, you can see the difference between building a business with 1 Business Center versus 3 Business Centers. As you build Business Centers 002 and 003, you are simultaneously building Business Center 001 without additional effort. With 3 Business Centers, you build balanced legs on two Business Centers and earn commissions on three.  
On the right side of Simon 6, you will see that your 002 and 003 Business Centers each have 1,000 points in GSV on the left side and 1,000 points on the right. According to the Commission Payout Schedule, the highest balanced GSV is 1,000, earning you 200 commission points for the week in the 002 and 003 Business Centers. Your 001 Business Center would earn the same 400 points as compared to the one Business Center on the left side of Simon 6. That's an 800-point commission for you—twice the commission for the week.

Calculating Commissions

Calculating Commissions
Commissions are awarded first in commission points, which are converted to the Associates' local currency. Commissions are paid on whole increments of balanced Group Sales Volume (GSV) accumulated in your left and right side organizations (Simon 3). Extra GSV, up to 5,000 points on each side, is carried forward—it's like money in the bank.
Calculating Commissions with 1 Business Center
Assume that your 001 Business Center is active and has 100 points in PSV within the current week. To determine the GSV, which is the combined PSV of your downline from which your commission for the week is calculated, you total the points in PSV generated during the current week from every Business Center in the left and right side of your 001 Business Center. In the example to the right, you have 2,000 points in GSV on your left side and 2,000 points on your right; your own PSV counts toward the GSV of your upline. According to the Commission Payout Schedule (Simon 3) your highest balanced GSV is 2,000 on each side, which would earn you a commission of 400 points for the week.

Another Benefit of being USANA's 

In Simon 4, you have a total of 3,500 points on your left side and 2,500 points on your right. According to the Commission Payout Schedule, your highest balanced GSV is 2,000 on each side, equaling 400 points for the week. The extra GSV would carry forward, and you would start the next week with 1,500 points in GSV on your left side and 500 points on your right side.  

Business centers: The Basic Building Blocks

Business centers: The Basic Building Blocks

How Business Centers Work to Provide Income for You
As you begin to build your down-line, you have the option to start with 1 Business Center or 3 Business Centers. One Business Center gives you direct income from group volume, whereas 3 Business Centers gives you leveraged income from group volume.

With 1 Business Center, as you sponsor Associates you place them in open positions in your downline (Jill and Bob, Simon 2), always remembering to keep the left and right sides balanced. A unique aspect of the Binary Compensation Plan is that you and everyone in your up-line are able to build your down-line organization because new Associates are always added down-line. This structure creates a synergy wherein everyone benefits when new Associates are added. This translates into faster growth for you and for those in your downline organizations.

If you choose to personally sponsor more people in USANA, you would place them in an open position under either Jill or Bob, which in turn will help their success. Plus, while you sponsor individuals in your sales organization, someone in your up-line may also sponsor an Associate and position him or her on the left or right side of your Business Center. However, your success in USANA comes by sponsoring people on your left and right sides, sharing the products with others, and teaching them to do the same.